Notigrupo’s weekly local news summary, with the most important information on San Luis Potosi

Three thousand National Guardsmen to arrive in San Luis Potosi.

The regular military will return to its bases in a short time
3 thousand National Guardsmen will replace regular army, to patrol SLP

Notislp.- Federal Deputy (Congressman) Oscar Bautista did not discard the arrival of around 3 thousand National Guardsmen to the State of San Luis Potosi, of which approximately 500 would be sent to the “Zona Media” region.

The legislator mentioned that the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI) congressmen supported the National Guard proposal sent by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to Congress, but several changes were made, like making sure the command is civilian and that the armed forces go back to their bases as soon as possible.

The National Guard will have its own budget, so state and municipal governments will not need to worry about supporting the troops deployed in their territories.

INTERAPAS water company leaves southeast San Luis city without water for a week

“Realito” dam water line springs a new leak and the operating company stops pumping for repairs.
«Realito» water line has become a permanent headache for San Luis Potosi

Notislp.- The metropolitan water company, INTERAPAS, has not been able to restore water service to over 30 neighborhoods, which comprise the southeastern sector of San Luis Potosi city, after the line that brings water from the “Realito” dam, sprung a leak, the third in a one year lapse.

Approximately 300 thousand people were affected by this situation, which INTERAPAS director, Fermin Purata, said would not go past last Thursday, but still on Sunday evening, water service had yet to be restored.

This caused street blockades from desperate people who demanded either the service or water from tank trucks. INTERAPAS promised that the service would be fully restored by Monday morning.

State congressmen lower their salary… 10 percent

Public officials have to comply with the new national Income Law for Public Servants, which sets a salary cap of under 108 thousand pesos per month
SLP State Congress

Notislp.- After Federal Congress passed a law which sets a salary cap for all public servants, at Federal, State and Municipal levels, State representatives (Deputies), under public pressure, lowered their monthly salary, from 115 thousand pesos (a bit over 6 thousand dollars), to 104 thousand (just under 5,500 US dollars).

After this pay reduction, Congress received more criticism, as it was perceived more as a PR move, than a real adjustment, since it did not touch several bonuses that they get, leaving the Deputies real income, at around 120 thousand pesos, higher than the national cap, of 108 k (5,680 US dollars), which is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s net monthly income as Mexicos’ president.

President Lopez Obrador’s MORENA party state legislators, said that they will donate another 10 percent of their monthly wages, to different social organizations, to comply with their party’s public stance on public austerity.


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