Notigrupo’s weekly local news summary, with the most important information on San Luis Potosi

400 Million pesos to modernize roads leading to the Industrial Zone

21 million dollars to improve mobility towards the Industrial Zone

Notislp.- Governor Juan Manuel Carreras informed that the Federal 2019 Budget has assigned 400 million pesos (a little bit over 21 million US dollars) to the state of San Luis Potosi, for the enlargement and revamping of the “Anillo Periférico Sur” which is the outer surrounding roadway, leading from most of the residential areas of the city, towards the Industrial Zone.

Governor Carreras pointed out that these infrastructure works are extremely important, as they will have a positive impact on urban mobility and will offer options for motor vehicle movement.

This metropolitan urban corridor will be made up of the roadwork on the “Periférico Sur”, and on Himalaya Avenue.

Parallel to these, there will be work being done on the enlargement of the “Rio Santiago” boulevard and its intersection with the “Periférico Oriente”.

Train blockade in the State of Michoacan, may affect industry in San Luis Potosi: UUZI

Rail Blockade by CNTE Union in Michoacan, may affect indsutry in SLP

Notislp.- There haven’t been any reported negative effects yet, but if the blockade set up by the dissident teacher union (CNTE) continues, industry in San Luis will have to look elsewhere for suppliers.

Ricardo Pérez, of the Industrial Zone Users Union (UUZI in Spanish), mentioned that there haven’t been any reports of delays or lack of supplies from the Pacific port of Lazaro Cardenas, in the state of Michoacan, and which are usually transported by rail.

Raul Martínez Jimenez, president of CANACINTRA (the Chamber of Industry), said that the union conflict “hinders connectivity between both oceans and economic activity, as it stops thousands of tons of merchandise”.

Martínez Jiménez expressed his worry, as San Luis Potosi is located right in the middle of product movement of the country and he added that both the Michoacan state government and the Federal government, need to work on solving, as soon as possible, the conflict with the CNTE.

“Political violence”, an ongoing issue among state legislators: Sonia Mendoza

State Congress President, Sonia Mendoza: «There’s political violence towards women legislators»

Notislp.- The current State Congress President, mentioned that several male representatives, have tried to intimidate and constantly underestimate their women colleagues.

In a radio interview, Sonia Mendoza, the State Congress President, pointed out that there is a strong component of “political violence” towards women representatives, from several of their male colleagues, as she’s witnessed how some of them have “yelled and disparaged” the work being done by women in Congress, as they feel that they do not have the same ability as them.

“Of course, there’s disrespect from our male colleagues, they try to impose themselves by raising their voices at us, or minimize us, since they believe we do not have the same capabilities as them; it doesn’t affect me directly, but I will not allow anyone to alter my wellbeing”.

The legislator from the National Action Party (PAN), emphasized that in those cases where there have been accusations of sexual harassment from deputy Mario Larraga Delgado; or gender violence, from deputy Edgardo Hernandez, there should be not only sanctions from the corresponding judiciary authorities, but there should also be a Gender Commission as part of Congress, to punish these inappropriate behaviors towards the women in the legislature, and meanwhile, the male deputies or representatives involved, should ask for leave, while the investigation is being held.


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